Our Story

DialedIn was created to help us golfers solve a part of the game that many of us struggle with.

That is how to dial in your distances and select the right club, at the right time.

The idea began after I had just played at The Belfry, the legendary 4-time Ryder Cup venue not far from my home in England. I had played well but struggled to get the ball pin high, I seemed to always be a club short or long. This placed a lot of pressure on my short game and inevitably caused frustrating dropped shots.

Does this sound familiar?

In Sam’s bar after the round, it dawned on me that I needed to improve this part of my game but couldn’t find any app that would offer the help that I needed. So, the idea for the app was born to help both me and other golfers who faced the same issue.

Fast forward 4 years and many versions/revisions later and DialedIn is ready to help you practise how to select the correct club at the right time and in all weather conditions.

I would love to show you how this works. Download and activate your free trial now and let’s get you playing your best golf more often. 

All the best,